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Si's Library
This room contains pieces drawn from my experiences at Health Decisions. It offers practical advice for anyone involved in managing group health plan expenses.
From the present, this room contains articles and reports by others that I wanted to share. Reasons for sharing will vary, so expect a potpourri.
This room provides reference points and norms I have observed or documented that can be used by persons trying to get their bearings in the often confusing world of group health.
This room contains my views on the future of the US health care system. My intent is not to convince anyone, but to broaden the discussion beyond the political debate that passes for health reform in America.
This room contains recordings and trasncripts of conversations I've had with interesting people I have had the privilege of meeting. Some are friends, some professional acquantances; all have interesting perspectives worth sharing.
From the past, this room contains some of the talks and articles I have done that I thought were worth sharing.
Use the above navigation buttons to filter Si's Library by category.
Dependent eligibility audits growing in popularity to cut excessive costs - ebn article
Wednesday, October 15, 2014 9:46:00 AM
News and Views
Si commented on this Employee Benefit News article: After doing dependent audits for over 20 years, I can tell you that the "secret" to a successful audit is not how many people get removed but how high a response rate you get. Non-responses...
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Open Enrollment Communications Must Move Beyond Status Quo - EBN article
Thursday, October 9, 2014 4:56:00 PM
News and Views
The author of this Employee Benefit Views article is right. Re-thinking open enrollment is long overdue. Actually, re-thinking all employee communications is long overdue. In addition to the new digital media, we have found two "old-fashioned"...
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New ACA Cost Sharing Rules: Are Over and Under Payments Inevitable? (Webinar)
Wednesday, September 24, 2014 11:04:00 AM
Prior Presentations
The new cost sharing rules under the ACA will either help improve the most error-prone aspect of claim payment, or make a bad situation even worse. Which side will your plan fall on? That depends on how you handle these new cost sharing...
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County Denied Tools to Trim Health Costs - Kaiser Health News article
Monday, September 22, 2014 9:52:00 AM
News and Views
This is the latest example of how employers (even large, public sector employers like Miami-Dade County) are being kept in the dark about what providers are actually getting paid (with public dollars, no less!). This “pay but don’t ask” approach...
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2014 Employer Health Benefits Survey - Kaiser Family Foundation report
Tuesday, September 16, 2014 9:31:00 AM
News and Views
If you haven’t seen the latest annual health benefits survey from the Kaiser Foundation and the Health Research & Educational Trust, check it out here. There is lots of interesting information, and an historical perspective that is very...
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How the ACA can Impact Your Taxes - MI Health Answers article
Monday, September 15, 2014 9:59:00 AM
News and Views
Very timely advice. ACA is a game changer for tax filings and communicating those filings to employees. This piece provides a useful starting point to plan for those changes.
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First Steps to Take with ACA Reporting - HIX article
Wednesday, September 10, 2014 2:18:00 PM
News and Views
According to this recent Health Insurance Exchange article, the ACA reporting requirements are being defined. The time to prepare is now. Those who wait gain little and risk much.
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ACA Communications: A Bigger Challenge than Pay-or-Play (Webinar)
Tuesday, August 26, 2014 1:43:00 PM
Prior Presentations
Most employers will find the new ACA communication requirements a bigger challenge than the ACA Pay-or-Play requirements. Levels will vary but ACA communications are projected to add 300-400 new communication events each year for every 100...
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The Status of ACA Compliance: What Various Employers are Doing and Planning (Webinar)
Tuesday, July 29, 2014 1:13:00 PM
Prior Presentations
Curious about how other employers are handling ACA compliance? View this webinar. Health Decisions is conducting ACA assessments with self-funded employers. Preliminary results are revealing an interesting pattern of pleasant and unpleasant...
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ACA and Competitive Bidding (Webinar)
Thursday, June 26, 2014 5:09:00 PM
Prior Presentations
If your plan advisor is telling you there’s nothing new for your group to see, get a new advisor. Never before have so many options been offered to all types of plans by such a diverse array of sources. This free webinar will survey this...
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