
Self-funded clients use data and information differently but they all share the same expectations. They want to:

  • be able to get the data and information they want when they need it. Waiting months to get a response or being given “canned” reports is not acceptable.
  • use information to save money. Being better informed is fine, but information that leads to savings or avoids extra costs is best.

Consultants and brokers servicing self-funded clients find that dealing with these data expectations can be one of the most time-consuming and challenging tasks they face.

Since 1985 Health Decisions has worked with self-funded clients and their data. We have taken that experience and packaged it for direct use by consultants/brokers.

The service package starts by using Health Decision’s technical expertise to combine all available electronic data from all sources to produce a new data asset owned by the client and managed by the consultant/broker with our ongoing technical support.

Health Decisions uses the data asset to provide consultants/brokers three new services:

  • Claim Recovery and Auditing
  • Fact Finder Data Reporting Tool
  • HIPAA Privacy and Security Compliance

HD works with consultant/brokers in a variety of ways. All arrangements reflect a blend of service and contingency fees that are influenced by the nature and scope of the relationship and by the scope of service.

A Special Message to Brokers

By using Health Dec​isions products, brokers can offer a wide range of services to their clients, enhancing their competitive advantages and assisting in client retention. We provide brokers with the data their clients need in a format they can easily use.

We provide the technical support for many value-added data services, allowing brokers to provide new services without the expense of additional staff or equipment. Thus, we not only help brokers save money but we open up new income opportunities.

Brokers also use us as the source of computer data files that reduce or eliminate the time and expense of manually entering client data reports.

A Special Message to Consultants

Quality and availability of data is at the heart of most consulting engagements. The hallmark of Health Decisions is acquiring complete and accurate data and translating that data into forms and formats that are easily used.

Our Data Enhancement Services helps consultants better serve their clients. We do this by compiling computer files from many sources in a wide variety of formats and translating that data to Microsoft or web-compatible formats, or other formats used by consultants. Consultants often find Health Decisions data services are faster and less costly than their own internal resources.

Consultants offer Health Decisions products as referrals or via private label arrangements. Consultants also offer our products to their self-funded employer, TPA, HMO and insurance company clients via direct sales arrangements. Others choose to identify Health Decisions as part of their technical support team.

Do you have Questions? We have answers! Click Here to contact us!

"In an effort to assist our clients in better managing and understanding their healthcare plans, we interviewed about a dozen healthcare plan audit organizations. We chose Health Decisions because we felt that their approach better addressed the core issues and problem areas pertaining to the administration of a large complex self-funded plan.

I am very pleased to say that we got exactly what we had hoped for. Health Decisions’ service was timely and polite and their expertise was on-point. Congratulations to HD for a job well done!”

Jason Willeford
Dillingham Benefits

“We have worked with Health Decisions on five claim audits since January 2000 and have been impressed with their professionalism, thoroughness and persistence. By combining their auditing and recovery techniques with our on-site capabilities, we believe our clients have received a good return on their audit investment.”

Bruce E. Davis
Director, Group Benefits Consulting
Findley Davies, Inc.

Check out the latest episode in our "Prudence Says" video series:

409 Plymouth Road, Suite 220 • Plymouth, Michigan 48170
phone 734­.451.2230 • fax 734­.451.2835
© 2011 - 2025 Health Decisions, Inc.