Administrative Performance Contracts: "Trust but Verify"

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Thursday, June 24, 2010 3:38:00 PM Categories: Prior Presentations


Every self-funded plan fiduciary places trust in an administrator for day-to-day plan operations. Both the fiduciary and the administrator benefit if they follow President Reagan’s maxim:  “Trust but verify.”

This free webinar will show how an Administrative Performance Contract (APC) provides the verification that supports the bond of trust between fiduciaries and administrators. It will address questions such as: What performance standards should be included? How are these standards best monitored? How do you confirm process improvements? How do you reward superior service?

Health reform will necessitate contract changes. This makes now an ideal time for introducing APC terms that can solidify the bonds of trust central to a successful self-funded plan.

To download the slides from the presentation click here

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