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The longer you work in health benefits the more you realize that all costs are enrollment driven. That’s right, all costs: premiums, claims, risk, fees, liability, compliance, etc. FACT: Health care cost control requires accurate, complete, and current enrollment facts. FACT: Enrollment errors increase costs 5% to 15% per year.
Despite these facts, enrollment accuracy is largely ignored by self-funded plans. Most assume their administrator does this. Ask any administrator – they do not. All administrators agree that the accuracy of enrollment facts is the responsibility of the plan (and employer sponsors).
For most plans, Open Enrollment is the extent of validation efforts. While important, Open Enrollment should be just one step in a multi-step Complete Enrollment process. This free webinar presents all the steps and how they work together to save money (5% to 15% of costs) and time (reduced employee calls, fewer appeals, improved employee relations, etc.).
How many of the Complete Enrollment steps do you do already? What Complete Enrollment steps may help? What mix of in-house and outsourced resources are required?
To download the slides from the presentation click here.