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Automation has revolutionized health claims payment. More claims are paid faster by fewer people. Yet administrative costs and payment errors have not gone down and in many instances have actually increased. How can this be? This webinar will answer this question and propose a solution.
What follows is a brief description of what's going on and what health plans can do to lower administrative costs and payment errors.
Automation ignores the complexities of real life and accepts erroneous data without question. In response, plan administrators have created an array of special units and investigative teams scattered throughout their organizations. Ironically, the cost savings achieved by automation are being swamped by the added costs of these new specialists.
To get the full value from automation, plans need to develop and implement an organized approach to Post Payment Administration (PPA). The dimensions of PPA and its current disjointed and disorganized status will be explained. We will then demonstrate a web-based tool that brings order to PPA and provides the missing link that will define the next generation of plan management and cost control.
To download the slides from the presentation click here.